Thursday, February 24, 2011

"....those that dispitfully use you."

I had to take two cats to the vet this week. For gunshot wounds.  There is a 24 yr. old person that lives on disability-don't work-does drugs and who knows what else. He is so dumb that he told the neighbour that he bought a gun and he was going to start shooting cats!  I didn't know this till today . After I came home from the vets office today I called the sheriffs dept. and asked them if some one would be able to come out. They sent someone out and I talked to him, gave him the address of the trailer down the row from us. He went down to talk to them and the dad didn't know of anybody by that name living there!!!  His son went out the back door I'm sure, because we saw him later.  The vet gave me the piece of metal he got out of the first cat, the second wasn't so good. It passed through the knuckle on this front leg and the vet the best he could to clean it but you can't put back something that isn't there, so....  I feel sorry for the little guy, he didn't do anything to deserve that :((((  
  You sure don't feel like praying for those that spitefully use you-how do you pray for them, through gritted teeth??? 
                     Not so happy in Loogooee


  1. Dear Sunny Lakes,,You pray that the HOLY SPRIT will do a redeeming ((buy back)) work in his heart and(mind,that's where the evil thoughts start)

  2. That would be a hard pill to swallow! thanks Mom, I needed that.

  3. It is easy to READ, all the scriptures in the Bible about loving your neighbor but, doing them is another story. I guess that is what God ment when He said He is made strong in our weekness.
    The Holy Spirit has his work cut out for Him on this one! I guess He never said it would be easy. Thank you Mamma.

  4. So sorry Sarah! I feel your pain.
