Monday, August 6, 2012


I was so excited today when I went to take care of my chickens this morning, I found 6 eggs in the nest box!
I have been giving the neighbor lady some of the eggs also ( she was only getting 1 or 2 at a time because that is all I was getting ) and of the few I gave her she told me she had a double yoked one the other morning, how about that, and it was a pullet egg at that too! I like the little eggs because they are so cute :)  I finally had enough eggs to use my little egg basket for the first time.  Happy hens lay lots of eggs :)


  1. And you surely have happy hens! They have nice digs! Your hubby is pretty handy with a hammer and saw.
    Pullets lay more double yolked eggs than older hens. I don't know why though.

  2. Thank you Sharon, yes he is. I remember what my chicken house looked like when I made it !! Slight breeze would have blown it over!

  3. Nice. Now you can make an angel food cake. I made one this week, 12 eggs! Just what to do with 12 egg yokes , I don't know. used three and had to throw the rest out, got too old. You're a bonafide farm girl again, gathering eggs in an egg basket. Makes ya feel good.
