Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ice Moon

This was the moon going down over the frozen lake on a cold February night!


  1. that is so kewl! Is it a timed exposure?

    And I am so glad I can comment now, I was so upset when my phone roofed up and I lost everything but now it works better then it did.

  2. It was a 3 second exposure, @ 3:00am! No fair weather photographer here :)

  3. Looks COLD! But a lovely picture. I don't have that kind of fortitude! 3:00 AM?

  4. Yes Sharon, the movie Gone With the Wind had just went off, yes I got sucked into it, I was only going to watch a few min. of it next thing I know it it 2:30 am! I walked over and looked out the window and saw the moon and thought "How many times does this come by"? so I grabed my camera and went out there.
