Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pretty Bird!

On a note closer to home, here is what  I see out the window all day long. One of the favorite pass times of my cats is to sit in the window, if it's cold outside, or sit directly under the bird feeders
if it nice outside. All my feeders are hanging from a wire stretched between two trees, so the cats can't get to them and the birds and squirrels know it too. It is funny to watch the squirrels taunt them on the tree the cats are sitting under. They will run down far enough to get chased, and then run back up and keep doing that. The cat's get so excited/aggravated that they just sit there and holler at them after awhile.
 So far this year, there are big squawking sea gulls all over the lake !  It has not even been cold enough to freeze the lake over this year, so maybe that is why they have taken up residence. Fishing must still be good!


  1. Free entertainment! LOL Beautiful! Enjoy! Ever since Boots moved in with us the birds stopped coming to my feeders. I finally gave up. Guess they aren't up high enough to make them feel safe. :(

  2. Bet you have some very frustrated cats!

  3. Jeanie, try stinging a clothes line up and put a feeder on it see how that works. Yes I enjoy them, I even have a pair of binoculars bt the window so I can get a closer look.
    After awhile Sharon they just give up and go lay on the porch!
